Owner: Sharpe Project DevelopmentsProgram: 31 3-Story Luxury Town HomesAwards: PRISM 2006 Gold AwardLocated on the outskirts of the urban core, theproject serves as a connector between two majorthoroughfares that run parallel to each other. Themix of pedestrian and automotive traffi c become animportant component for the site plan layout. Vehiculartraffi c is resolved in an internal alleyway grid like thosefound in traditional urban towns. The interconnectedalley also links the two public roads, allowing a fl uidfl ow of internal vehicular traffi c. Pedestrian circulationoccurs always at the front of the house maintaining aclear urban character.The Architectural expression proposes a contemporaryapproach within a structured urban grid. High ceilingsand exposed construction materials respond to themarket trends and connect the project with the eclecticurban context. Lighting within the units is manipulatedand controlled to provide an open transparent spacein most of the areas and a more private intimate lightwhere the program requires it.Roof terraces are common in all the units. They serve asthe amenity area; allowing the user to connect visuallywith the urban surroundings while providing privatespace for leisure and relaxation.