In the spirit of the colourful Victorian beach houses from the North Coast of Norfolk, UK to Muizenberg, South Africa SPARK’s proposed prototype beach hut for Singapore’s East Coast Park is intended to animate the shoreline and provide rentable occasional accommodation
for the many “beach campers” who frequent the park on the weekend. At the same time it acts as an important vehicle for educating the public about the state of the world’s oceans and the problems caused by the flagrant dumping of plastic and other waste material into the sea.
The skin of SPARK’s beach hut is manufactured from recycled HDPE (high density polyethylene) a plastic that makes up a large percentage of the plastic dumped into the ocean. The annual world market volume for HDPE is around 30 million tonnes, just small percentage of this figure is sufficient to contribute to the slow death of the oceans and the extensive life cycles it supports. HDPE is non-biodegradable and can take centuries to decompose, so it is imperative that the HDPE ocean waste is collected and recycled and used again wherever possible to abate the escalating damage we are doing to our planet. Our society and its current values of consumption necessitate a system in which production and imaginative recycling are in balance with long-term ecological well-being.
The recovered HDPE waste material is colour coded and shredded, it is then reformed by reheating the plastic granules into a mould shaped in the form of a 3 dimensional stiff scales that are used to clad the SPARK beach hut much in the same way as traditional roof tiles or timber shingles work.
A few different types of “scales” of varying degrees of solidity and transparency facilitate privacy and views across East Coast Park and the Ocean. The “scales” at the top of the hut are printed with thin film PV (photo-voltaic) generating sufficient power to support the interior fan and general LED lighting of the hut.
The huts are naturally ventilated and self-sustainable, they shelter the users in the traditional sense of the beach hut from wind and rain whilst providing a level of basic amenity, enjoyment and fun.
The infinite colour variations possible using recycled HDPE will produce a family of beach huts that are engaging and elegant contributors to the Singapore shoreline whilst telling the story of an imaginative reuse of a plastic material that is part of our everyday lives but which given its disposable nature is contributing to the destruction of ocean life and our environment.