DISSING+WEITLING are the architects behind the new cycle bridge ”The Bicycle Snake” in Copenhagen -a long orange bridge, which sets off at Havneholmen and continues in a meandering course along the shopping mall Fisketorvet.
In 2010 DISSING+WEITLING were presented with the task of building a ramp which should replace a nearby staircase, a time-consuming obstacle for around 12,500 cyclists that daily pass through the area. Instead of just replacing the staircase with a ramp, the office proposed a plan with a completely new approach to the area. The cyclists were in fact exposed to many obstacles, not just from the staircase, but also continuously throughout the nearby area, from sharp corners and many pedestrians. The pedestrians where likewise exposed to unnecessary dangers from the cyclists. The proposal was a long sculptural bridge, where the cyclists could be separated from the pedestrians. A ride for cyclists that gives them the feeling of moving quickly and effortlessly through the area, while the experience of riding at 1st floor level would be unique and exciting. A roof for the pedestrians, who could then use the entire quayside at Fisketorvet, giving them comfortable surroundings and shelter from bad weather.
Today, The Bicycle Snake meanders 6-7 meters above sea surface with a length of 200 meters and with 30 meters of ramp. The bridge is made of steel, which gives it a light and elegant look. The surface has a bright orange color, which creates a clear visual route for cyclists.
With the built-in lighting, the bridge is clearly illuminated at night. Furthermore, it enriches the area as a bright visual element in the night.
The ramp provides a unique harbour view on sunny days and a shelter on rainy days. Fisketorvet is now able to use the more quiet area underneath to establish a recreational space. This will eventually lift the overall quality of the area.
In 2013 DISSING+WEITLING was presented with the “Skub-op” award from the municipality of Copenhagen, for the courage to promote an idea, which spanned beyond the assignment brief.
DISSING+WEITLING recently produced ”Ideal Solutions to improve the passability on Super Cycle Tracks”. The Super Cycle Tracks will generate better conditions for commuter cyclists and encourage more people to take the bike instead of the car – also for longer trips. This will generate a better urban environment, less congestion and more health – for the benefit of all road users. The Super Cycle Tracks are made with as few obstacles as possible establishing new bicycle lanes, bridges and tunnels to create faster and safer routes for commuter cyclists. DISSING+WEITLING have drawn up proposals for the different infrastructures, which focuses on increasing comfort, bringing down the price, ensuring recognition, and increasing safety and security.
See more at http://supercykelstier.dk/sites/default/files/SCS%20Ideall%C3%B8sniger.pdf