The EOS building is part of the Bodega SUR complex in the international cargo terminal at Santiago Airport.
Thought as a response to the high demand for offices and services for the cargo activity at the air terminal, the building has an area of 6,500 m2 of offices grouped into three levels, and a 2,000 m2 commercial and services plate, providing public space and urban life to the airport complex.
The building engages the architectural image of the airport’s cargo complex, bringing to an office building the logic of industrial warehouse constructions, with exposed metal bracing, and low-value / high-performance coatings on the surface.
This search resulted in reducing concrete thicknesses through the use of metallic diagonals on the building perimeter, also achieving large free floors inside. These large diagonals are displayed on facades and inside common spaces and offices.
Likewise, metal panels commonly used in industrial buildings were used to cover facades, avoiding aluminum or other high-value and energy-consuming coatings.
The skin of the building is closed to the east and west exposures, leaving only controlled fenestrations, avoiding high solar radiation, thus reducing operational costs in air conditioning. Following the same logic, the facades open generously, with double glazing, towards the southern light, appropriate for offices.