The design is a spectacular residential and nature development area in Lisse Geestwater. With a high-quality plan for 450 dwellings in the polder, we are using the landscape as a spatial and economic basis to responsibly build in nature and create a new type of nature-conscious development in the outlying area.
Where usually a layer of soil is applied with houses placed on top, at Geestwater we have been able to drastically reduce the addition of soil. We have placed the houses on mounds, therefore creating a water-rich landscape surrounding them.
We are aiming for a water-rich residential landscape that will greatly enhance the current natural value of the existing polder and transform the area into an accessible and unique landscape experience. With intimate residential clusters equipped with smaller private plots and built-up parking facilities, we create ample space for a vast water landscape with green-blue foothills that extend to all corners of the plan.
At the same time, we reduce costs by limiting road infrastructure, delayed drainage of rainwater (so that no gullies or sewers need to be provided), and providing a much smaller area of pre-loading and foundations. In this way, we create the same returns as a traditional Vinex development, but with a much more intimate living quality, fewer cars, and direct access to a 12-hectare water landscape.
We give nature as much space as possible in Geestwater. The soil types, surface water, natural banks, wetlands, mixed forests and flower meadows form the puzzle pieces of a natural and self-sustaining landscape. New habitats are created for specific species of butterflies, amphibians, and a rich arsenal of birds. In this way, we are turning Geestwater – now an empty and inaccessible polder – into a special landscape where people can enjoy living and nature.