Giulio Romano: Art and Desire
Palazzo Te, Mantua
The exhibition design curated by Piero Lissoni with Lissoni Associati presents the works in all their purity and accompanies them “in silence”, emphasizing their significance and their beauty through careful and informed aesthetic choices.
The narrative of the exhibition takes place against a neutral, pearl grey background directing at supporting the “metallic” nature of Giulio Romano’s paintings, to use the definition proposed by certain scholars. At the same time, a “sensuous” red highlights the more audacious portrayals of eroticism in the “Camerino dei Modi” and in the room dedicated to portraits of the female nude. At the same time, the design of the exhibition integrates into the architecture of Palazzo Te, respecting the space it inhabits and allowing the magnificence of Giulio Romano’s masterpiece, his frescoes and his architectonic decorations to receive full expression.
Prestigious partners, such as Pilkington and Glas Italia for the special glass display cases and Erco for the illumination, contribute to exalting the value of the works on display in addition to guiding the visitor towards a clear and uncluttered reading of the exhibition narrative.
Lissoni Associati has been an active supporter and partner of the Fondazione Palazzo Te in Mantua since 2018 and was responsible for curating the fit-out for this exhibition.