2020 – WINNER, New Individual Facility under $8m, Learning Environments Australasia VIC/TAS Chapter Awards
The Senior Learning Hub is a key plank in the masterplan as it bookends the South of the site and provides the opportunity to develop spaces that are uniquely catered to senior students. During the early design phases for this building, a series of workshops were held with the school Senior Leadership Team, to work through the detailed educational needs.
As the design progressed, Brand Architects worked closely with the School to collaborate on all aspects of the design and arrangement of spaces, including the adjacency of spaces, visual permeability, size of spaces, inside/outside relationships, placement of teaching infrastructure such as whiteboards, screens, data, joinery, provision of Student amenities including locker areas, the use and management of the Resource and its integration into the building as a whole.
The robust planning process led to an innovative and user-oriented outcome which has resulted in a strong sense of collegiality in the senior school and engaged students in their learning.