One Works has embarked on a transformative journey to reimagine Rome’s historic Piazza San Giovanni. This revitalisation project seeks to amplify the piazza’s sociocultural presence while preserving its iconic past as the city prepares for the upcoming 2025 Jubilee. Merging time-honoured tradition with contemporary design principles, the new Piazza San Giovanni is set to become a celebration of urban life, embracing functional safety, energy efficiency, and sustainable material management.
Embodying joy and interaction, the piazza’s architecture champions simplicity, pays homage to the city’s historical values, and creatively incorporates water as an interactive element. This design strategy is a nod to Rome’s longstanding relationship with water, enhancing the sensory experience for visitors and residents alike. The planned features include:
Hardscape and Vegetation: A blend of traditional Roman stones such as Sanpietrino, Basaltina, and travertine will pave the piazza ‘cosmatesque style’, interspersed with areas of low vegetation to alleviate the heat island effect and support stormwater management.
Water Features:The introduction of playful water circles will provide both recreational pleasure and a cooling effect, enriching the piazza’s microclimate during the warm Roman summers.
Lighting: Carefully positioned lighting fixtures will accentuate the grandeur of the Basilica’s façade, ensuring a safe and inviting space that comes alive at night.
Benches: Thoughtfully placed seating will offer spaces for relaxation and social interaction, allowing visitors to fully engage with their surroundings.
The piazza’s redesign focuses on improving both its functionality and aesthetic qualities. By adhering to the highest standards of safety and accessibility, the space is being reshaped into a welcoming and inclusive environment. The integration of ground-level fountains, complemented by energy-efficient lighting, serves to honor Rome’s illustrious heritage and drive towards a sustainable future.