The Centro North project is a proposed high quality mixed use development in the Perth Suburb of Subiaco.On the last remaining undeveloped site in Subiaco, the urban design challenge was to connect the Subiacoshopping precinct through the new Subi Central train station with the St John of God Hospital and invigoratethis end of the suburb.The brief was to master plan and develop an architectural expression for 3 large building lots which include160 apartments with ground floor retail and commercial spaces which is sympathetic to the existing Subiacoarchitecture and will activate the new internal streets, urban plaza and urban green.The quality of the urban places is established by: capitalising on good orientation and landscape; a concentrationof active retail functions; careful alignments of the buildings from all three lots; the integration of thechurch into this place (by making it visible through the glass and past the buildings).The buildings are conceived in two parts; the three-storey dark brick part that is connected to the groundand reference the Church; and the white concrete sculptural three-storey; elements that are elevated andconnected to the sky.A 5 Greenstar rated development is proposed with features such as the provision of access to daylight,sunlight, 100% cross ventilation to apartments, rain and grey water recycling and solar hot water system tomaximise energy and water conservation.