This suburban high school, known for its strong academic program, underwent a complete reconstruction. The multi-building campus is anchored by an open courtyard that functions as an all-weather student commons and link between the Academic Building, containing classrooms, and the Commons Building, with core spaces, as well as athletics and fine and performing arts. Beyond the general classrooms, learning environments include a media center, a seminar classroom with tiered seating, a music suite, art studios, and fabrication shop, and fitness studio. The new, two-building campus, plus an existing field house, replaces a collection of eight buildings that were considerably less efficient.HMFH’s design for the new campus includes an integrated daylighting system that uses a combination of external sunshades, internal light shelves, and rooftop light monitors to effectively light many of the spaces in the building, substantially reducing the buildings use of electricity for lighting during school hours. Reconstruction of the campus also allows the school to significantly reduce its impact on the surrounding environment.